If you need professional editing or proofreading for typos, grammar, spelling, and punctuation, or require a manuscript evaluation, you’ve come to the right place. Ask about free sample edits. For more information, visit http://bookmagic.ca/
Monday, October 03, 2011
Be Your Own Editor
Be Your Own Editor is a best-selling reference manual, rated #2 in the Amazon Kindle store and among the Top 100 Paid Books in Kindle. It is an informal, crash course on grammar and writing basics. It’s meant as a guidebook for students and writers of all ages and stages and incorporates humor as well as pop quizzes to help you learn in the least painful manner possible. BYOE covers a wide range of topics from word usage (Should you say further or farther? Between or among?) and punctuation, to how to organize essays and add spunk to nonfiction, to developing three-dimensional characters and dialogue in fiction. BYOE is available on Amazon.com for $17.99. [http://tinyurl.com/4qgef2j ] The Kindle version is only $2.99 [http://tinyurl.com/4b8taao ]
Read the rave review by Patricia Fry, the author of an astonishing 31 books, and Executive Director of SPAWN (Small Publishers, Artists and Writers Network). Scroll down about a third of the way through the page until you come to the section that says Review: Be Your Own Editor[http://www.spawn.org/blog/?p=1528]
Originally from New Jersey, I'm the owner of the editing company Book Magic. My team and I provide manuscript evaluations, proofreading, and copyediting and are located in Florida. I'm also the author of three books. Contact me at sigridmac13@hotmail.com
Originally from New Jersey, I'm the owner of the editing company Book Magic. My team and I provide manuscript evaluations, proofreading, and copyediting and are located in Florida. I'm also the author of three books. Contact me at sigridmac13@hotmail.com
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